Answers to help plan your journey of a lifetime.

Our frequently asked questions are continually updated to provide you with the answers you need when planning your Scenic journey.

Ocean FAQs

Sail in ultra-luxury on a Scenic Eclipse ocean cruise. Discover more about the state-of-the-art Discovery Yachts, on board dining, suites  and more through our frequently asked questions to help prepare for your voyage.
Scenic Eclipse in the Arctic Scenic Eclipse in the Arctic

River FAQs

Experience the best of river cruising with all-inclusive ultra-luxury experiences and unforgettable moments. To help prepare for your journey, view our frequently asked questions and learn more about our ships, the on board experience and more. 
Lounge on board ship looking out at Parliament in Budapest Lounge on board ship looking out at Parliament in Budapest

Can't find what you're looking for?

For more help and advice contact our team on 1300 173 812 or visit our contact us page.